Gestures, listening, reading, speaking, and writing – these are all forms of language and are also ways of communicating with others. However, do you know someone who is currently experiencing difficulties with any of these? If you are, then allow our speech therapists at Astra Health Care to lend a helping hand.
With our speech therapists, we can help those who are experiencing difficulties with:
- Apraxia/Dysarthria of Speech
- Articulation Disorders
- Auditory Processing
- Cochlear Implants
- Language Delays
- Reading and Writing Problems
- Stuttering
- Swallowing Difficulties
At Astra Health Care, you can rest your mind knowing that our speech therapists are all patient, knowledgeable, and experts at what they are doing. To meet with a speech therapist, please give us a call at 510-272-0777 to schedule an appointment today.